Thursday, April 9, 2015

In Loving Memory of Baby Jake

Dogs are truly man's best friend. Their loyalty cannot be questioned, most of the time, they are better than your own family.

Remember in elementary days, we called/describe an animal as "it" not "he" or  "she". Little by little human beings adopted and consider them as a normal being. In fact, I can't think of a person who doesn't like puppies, they are cute and adorable. Don't you think?

While writing this article, it's hard for me to start even from the introduction itself. It's hard to think and reminisce the memories of our Baby Jake.

Last night, his mentor Kuya Miko can't get over of his loss. He keeps on crying. I advised him to play games even it's 12 midnight, just to divert his attention.

Little did I know, I woke up at around 4 am to urinate, he was still awake and sobbing. The funny thing was, he ask me to make a blog out of his pet, our Baby Jake.

Our baby Jake is very smart, sweet  and loves to bite when he adores you. He enjoys roaming around with his twin. In fact, when the accident happens they were together hanging around on the street. His twin sister named "Valentine" (because they were given to us last Feb. 14) up to know don't like to eat and even his younger brother Justin.

Among the three puppies we have, Jake is the referee. I don't know why, twins are close to each other, even in the animal kingdom. Most of the time, Valentine is his favorite playmate. The good thing about Jake, he is intelligent enough to follow directions. He knows how to sit down before a food is served. He is scared of a loud voice and obey your command.

I guess it's better to park my keyboard here and stop prolonging the agony. One thing's for sure Baby Jake, WE GONNA MISS YOU AND ALWAYS BE OUR BABY JAKE!!!


Related Posts:

1. Our three puppies
2. The Puppies


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