Saturday, May 9, 2015

Million Dollar Videos in Youtube

They always say nothing is impossible and it's free to dream big. Why not! right? Look at these guys how much they earn making videos in youtube. How I wish even I belong to top 10 of the spot.

Thursday, May 7, 2015

Adam Levine Attacked with Sugar Bomb.

Adam Levine was attacked by a fan with Sugar Bomb during his autograph signing after their show at Jimmy Kimmel Live.

Sugar spread all over his body and even inside his ear. Watch the video for more details :)

Wednesday, May 6, 2015

Thai Racist Goes Viral

Do you know this guy? He is the well-known "Koko Narak" on the web. He is the latest person who publicly confess hates Filipino culture. The sad new is, he is working in the Philippines.

Last update sofar: He was terminated with his job and sent back to his country Thailand. Check the video below for more irritating posts he made.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Data Entry Job that pays $18 an hour by working at home

Another inspiring post of Miss Alicia is a Data entry job that offers 18 dollar an hour. Check the video to fully understand what job entails for this task.

How to Make Money Online the Legal Way

Before I started working online I am an avid fan of this lady, her name is Alicia. The good thing about this girl, she is offering a wide array of sites that are all legal. You can check her Youtube channel if you want to earn money online.

Thanks Alicia for making videos for newbies like me. You are one of my inspiration online and it's about time to share your video blog to inspire others as well.

Good luck to each and everyone of us!