Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Complete Set of Andots '97

As we grow old our memory will fade little by little. I for one can attest to this scenario. A big thank you to my friend, Michel Gomez who were the first to acknowledge the missing members of the group. Guys, it's not my intention to exclude you from the post, it is purely a state of mind loss. Bwahahaha!!!

If you happen to miss some of my previous post simply click the corresponding link and check for the complete set of Andots ' 97 and The Dotiness Angels.

Felix Baculi II

Box or Bux sorry I dunno the exact spelling of his nickname. 

An intelligent man that stands with his words. He prefers arguing with you if he thinks he's right. 

Love to accompany with some other friends, in short he is everybody's friend. At first I find him strict and all I thought our personalities won't jive, but thanks God we manage to become good friends.

A competent student in college and smart enough to win a debate. Majority find him boastful at first, but if you know him better he is the exact opposite.

last update: Computer Instructor - UV Mandaue

Terense Ansit Louis

Our Cumlaude member, the right hand of the well known "Mam Clar" in our department.

He graduated valedictorian in high school as well.

Based in Tacloban City since he graduated in college. A small but terrible guy of our school.

The closest friend of Amor Powers, sorry it's Amor Sosas.
Honestly speaking, although he is one of our friends, we sometimes irritated/annoyed with his character. We seldom misinterpreted his loyalty to his boss.

But at the end of the day, a friend, is a friend. No one can separate a good friendship!

last update: Government employee - Tacloban City

Glenn Arong

Who can forget this warm blooded mammal, the epitome of the gay students during our college days?

Bwahahah! Yes, I am not mistaken guys, he is the gay killer in our school. Not to mention, there were two homos fighting for his love to Glen, funny but true!

Maybe, he is that friendly, he is into the anti-racism campaign.

A good friend of mine, love to manipulate somebody's feelings. His intelligence? superb, I like the way he handles things, he is naturally born smart kid!

Our mentor in swimming, our tourist guide in island hopping and "swakki" hunter.

Before he can hold breath for almost 5 minutes, now I guess only 2 seconds....kidding!

last update: Government employee - Lapulapu City

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